As set out in our Charter, The New England Company’s mission is focused on ‘promoting and propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst the indigenous peoples of Canada and the peoples of the countries comprising the Province of the West Indies and Bermuda’.
The Court’s objective is to disburse the total of the Company’s annual net income to projects that meet specific criteria and which are which are supported by the relevant dioceses or established colleges or institutes that provide ordained or lay ministry training.
Our grants have helped dioceses with the costs of training ordinands, diocesan courses or gatherings for lay or for clergy training, or travel costs to bring people together for this. We have also contributed towards projects to improve communication.

Example types of projects we fund
Scholarships or assistance with fees for training clergy and lay workers
Helping to provide ordained ministry with IT and travel costs
Providing financial support to church building maintenance and repairs
Priorities suggested by the Primate
Church-sponsored social work
Testimonials – The New England Company funding in action
The Anglican Church of Canada and Indigenous Anglicans
In the midst of a rapidly transforming relationship between the Anglican Church of Canada and Indigenous Anglicans, the New England Company continues to offer resources for mission and ministry projects that nurture a vision for healing and self-determination. We are encouraged by the regular visits of trustees that foster deeper understanding of current issues and needs and nurture relationships directly with Indigenous Anglicans and dioceses.
The Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Our longstanding relationship with New England Company has involved partnering toward the implementation of projects and programs in fulfilment of the mission and ministry of the Diocese. Among the range of projects for which assistance with funding has been provided by the New England Company are: the enhancement of Youth Ministries, Church Planting, Health Care delivery, Restoration of Children’s Homes, Retreat Centre Development and Feeding Program for the Elderly in the Inner City.
How to apply
There are two ways to apply for a grant:
1) Through your local diocese in Canada or the West Indies.
Grant applications must be approved and signed by your diocesan Bishop.
Application for the West Indies
Once completed you can send it to us by email.
2) Directly, if you represent a recognised college or institute which provides ministry training that meets our criteria.
In the case of a college or institute that provides ministry or lay training, such as the Vancouver School of Theology, the Jessie Salter Institute and Codrington College, grant applications should be emailed direct to the Court’s Secretary.
Application for recognised colleges or institutes.
Once completed you can send it to us by email.